SWKS Sztejnert, Winnicka, Kowalczuk, Sosnowska Sp.j. - Warszawa





In a time of continuous development of common market and implementation of UE solutions into the Polish legislation, competition has become a legal sphere that every entrepreneur comes into contact with. We consider competition law to be one of the most important areas of our legal counselling and at the same time, the most difficult one due to its specificity and a restrictive character.


Our legal assessment of due practices and already operating agreements in terms of illegal agreements that limit competition or abuse of a dominant position always takes into account business needs of our clients. Our greatest asset is finding a solution tailored to our clients’ problems and expectations.


We comprehensively audited our clients’ contracts and procedures in force in compliance with competition law indicating necessary changes. We also advise on the control of concentrations.


Our knowledge and experience have been recognized by the Poland International Distribution Institute, within which we serve as national experts in the field of franchising and agency and distribution. Cooperation within the association, including the participation in the annual meetings, allows us to exchange experiences with lawyers from around the world.


We have also represented our clients in matters relating to combating unfair competition, particularly in terms of violation of the confidentiality obligation, product counterfeit and dissemination of false information about an entrepreneur.




SWKS Sztejnert, Winnicka,

Kowalczuk, Sosnowska Sp.j.


ul. Nowogrodzka 68

02 - 014 Warszawa


+48 22 48 63 099


+48 22 48 63 133

Email:         office@swks.com.pl


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